Thursday 8 January 2015

Shloks OF LoRd Krishna WHen He diliveing The Geeta TO Arjuna !!

Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshou
kada chana – You have the right to
perform your actions,but you are not
entitled to the fruits of the actions.

Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey
Sangostva Akarmani – Do not let the fruit
be the purpose of your actions, and
therefore you won’t be attached to not
doing your duty.

This message was from the Lord Krishna
to Arjun during the Epic War of
Mahabhaarat when Arjun was not willing
to fight, given that he had opposite of
him, all those persons he considers to be
his own. Arjun says to Krishna, what’s the
use of fighting against my own for just a
piece of land. What happiness will I get
by slaying my dear ones? The ones on the
other sides are my own uncle, my cousin.
Won’t I be committing a sin? What will I
get by killing all of them. Instead I would
have preferred that they kill me here

Then Krishna explains to him about his
duties. The above verse, which is among
the most famous verse in Mahabhaarat, is
one of those explanation he has given.

Let us study the context :

In this case Krishna tells Arjun that no
matter what is the result of the war, he
should not be worried about it. His duty
is to fight, then he has to fight. He wins
or loses that is not important. Even if he
dies during the war, he will attain heaven
because he has correctly performed his

Now coming to the second phrase of the
above verse, Krishna also advises Arjun
that he should never let the fruit be the
purpose of his action, in this case the
action is his fight and the fruit is either
he wins or loses. In other words he is not
supposed to worry about victory or
defeat. Either one wins or loses, he must
be neutral about it.

In simple terms it means: Keep on
performing your duties without being
attached to the result of your actions.
Either you get something or you don’t get
anything, you should not worry about it.
You should have a neutral behaviour....


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